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Daily goal

Your Daily Goal is a perfect way to maximize your earnings on Drumo! It is an earnings threshold to meet or exceed each day to earn a Bonus. You can hit your Daily Goal by taking surveys and completing offers on Drumo. The amount to earn each day may vary, but you can always track your progress in the Daily Goal section in the top menu (indicated with a Star icon).
A Weekly Streak is an extra bonus that can be earned by completing all your Daily Goals in a given week (starting from Monday, Day 1). The reward for completing your Weekly Streak is higher than for completing individual Daily Goals.
If you missed any of the Daily Goals in a 7-day Streak, you can still earn all the Daily Bonuses available to you but you won't be able to complete the 7-day Streak this week.
Rewards for completing your Daily Goal/Weekly Streak may vary from day to day. In general, the reward you get for completing the Weekly Streak is much higher than the Daily Bonus. You can track your progress in the Daily Goal section in the top menu (indicated with a Star icon).
All survey and offer earnings count toward your Daily Goal/Weekly Streak. Bonuses, refunds, referrals or any other types of earnings do not count towards your Goal. Please remember that you need to earn a given amount on the same day to receive your daily bonus, eg. if you start an offer on Monday and receive credit for it on Tuesday, your earning will go towards Tuesday's Daily Goal.
Each Daily Goal is available for 24 hours - you can track the time left to complete your Daily Goal in the Daily Goal section (indicated with a Star icon).
Your Daily Goal/Weekly Streak earnings will be paid instantly after reaching the threshold, No need to wait!