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Phone number

- We use the phone verification process to ensure that we send your earnings to a real person and not to someone else trying to gain access to your account. - We'll ask you to enter your phone number only to send you a text message with a verification code. Your phone number will not be used for any other reason: we won't share your data with anyone, you will not receive any phone calls from Drumo or any promotional messages from us.
There are a few potential reasons for unsuccessful phone number verification: - The phone number you've entered is invalid. Please make sure to enter a correct phone number. - The phone number is already registered on Drumo. One phone number can be linked to only one account on Drumo. - The phone may be a voice-over-IP or a digital phone number. For security reasons, we cannot use voice-over IP phones or digital phone numbers. - The phone number is registered in a different country then the country you registered from. Your phone number need to be registered in the same country as your Drumo account. - The phone number has been associated with fraudulent activity in the past. In order to prevent fraud and protect your account, we do not allow to enter phone numbers that have been blacklisted for fraudulent behavior or recent abusive activity. - You have attempted too many verifications. Try again later. If the problem persists, contact our support at: https://drumo.com/contact page.