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The Offerwall is a collection of offers from our trusted partners. You can earn $ on Drumo by completing these offers, but their verification is not under our control. Please remember that we will accept only offer completions started and completed through the links available on Drumo. Most offers can be completed only once per person (make sure to read the Terms and Conditions of each offer). Also, you should not use any ad blocker or any other third-party software that may block our ability to track offer completion.
No, unless stated differently in the offer, each offer an be completed only if it's the first time you are using this specific offer. Please be sure to complete it through the link available on Drumo. For example: if you find the offer "Download and open the Amazon app to earn $1", you are eligible to use this offer only if you have never used the Amazon app before and you clicked the link to that offer directly from Drumo.
You will receive credit once we get the confirmation of completion from our Partner. In most cases your reward will be granted on the same day but there may be some delays in crediting (which is normal). Please make sure to read the instructions carefully to make sure you've met all the requirements for completing an offer. You will receive an email notification from Drumo once we confirm your offer completion. If you haven't received credit for your completion within 24 hours, please contact the Offerwall Partner as we're unable to see your activity on a particular offer. For Torox (formerly OfferToro) Offerwall: - Click the green icon "My $" in the top right corner. - Choose "Missing credits". - After 24h from completing an offer, you should have access to a form, where you can report missing credits. Please follow the instructions and remember to upload a proof (screenshot from your device showing all the information needed). For Revenue Universe Offerwall: - Click on the user/person icon in the top right corner. - Choose "Contact Support". - You will gain access to a form, where you can report missing credits. Please follow the instructions and provide as much information as possible. For HangMyAds Offerwall: - Click on the "support" button on the bottom of the offerwall. - Choose the "contact" button next to the offer you completed. - You will be redirected to a form, where you can report missing credits. Please follow the instructions and provide as much information as possible. For Aye-T Studios Offerwall: - Click on the button in the top left corner of the offerwall. - Click on the offer in one of the tabs and go to support. - Complete the support form, please follow the instructions and provide as much information as possible. If you do not receive a resolution or you're having any other issues with the Offerwall, please contact our support. For AdGem Offerwall: -Open the AdGem offer wall and click on the menu icon: located in the top-left corner of the offer wall. -Tap on "Reward Status" menu item. -Choose the offer which you are requesting support for and tap "Request Support" – please note, offers which you have started may take up to 4 hours to appear in this list. Offers that were started over 30 days ago will not appear in this list, unless a conversion has occurred. -Fill in your email address, a description of the support you are requesting and tap on the "Submit" button. Please note that offers which were started less than 24 hours ago are not eligible for requesting support, since offers can take 24-48 hours to process. -A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided with instructions on submitting proof. -Please respond directly to the confirmation email and do not modify the subject line. If you modify the subject line of this email Adgem will not properly process your response. If you do not provide us evidence within 30 days, your request may be closed.